Defined ACPI Hardware IDs



The MIPI Alliance Software Working Group manages the allocation of ACPI Hardware IDs (HIDs) using the 'MIPI' prefix. ‘MIPI' HIDs are allocated as needed to support software interfaces defined by MIPI Specifications developed by the MIPI Software WG. The use of a 'MIPI'-prefixed HID is permitted only when implementing an interface compliant with a MIPI interface specification. The table below lists all currently defined ‘MIPI’ HIDs with corresponding MIPI Specifications. All other 'MIPI' HIDs with the MIPI prefix are reserved. MIPI member companies may request that the MIPI Software Working Group assign particular ‘MIPI’ HID values, however HIDs cannot use MIPI Manufacturer ID (MID) values.

Note: UEFI, the organization that manages ACPI, maintains the master registry of ACPI Hardware ID (HID) prefixes; see

Manufacturers can obtain ACPI HIDs or PNP IDs from UEFI directly, please see


MIPI Defined ACPI Hardware ID (_HID)

Device Type

Type & Supported MIPI Protocol Specifications

ACPI Implementation Defined in MIPI DisCo Class Specification for:

MIPI0001 MIPI NIDnT MIPI Narrow Interface for Debug and Trace DisCo for NIDnT
MIPI0100 MIPI I3C HCI MIPI I3C Host Controller Interface
DisCo for I3C
MIPI0200 MIPI CCS Conformant Image Sensor MIPI CCS DisCo for Imaging (WIP)

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